It was the last day of the group activities. Yolanda and Kenneth would go back home on 30 May. With a great help by Fernadinho, Joe's host dad at Santo Andre, we organized a farewell party at the self-service club house in the apartment building. Joe devoted his city tour time to prepare his signature dish, curry vegetable and pork rice. Yolanda, Pauline and Kenneth had a quick visit at Liberdade, Asian Town and shopped for some food to prepare pork and vegetable dumplings for dinner.
We have a joyful dinner with all friends in Sao Paulo, Brazil. They all enjoyed the food and chats with each other. We sang a Chinese song for our beloved guests.
Team B prepared food in kitchen.

Plumnito salad (left) & Fried Rice Noodle, a signature dish by Melissa's mother (right)

Antoniho enjoyed Joe's signature dish.

Pork & vegetable dumpling
Pork cake
Condensed milk custard pudding by Sandra, Pauline's host family.

Sing a song "The moon represent our heart"

Kenneth thanked Thais's coordination

Applause to all host families

Yolanda's appreciation

Joe's words from his heart
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